Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sql Objective Questions What Are Thepossible Objective Answers To Possible Questions That Can Come Out Of Database Designing With Sql?

What are thepossible objective answers to possible questions that can come out of database designing with sql? - sql objective questions

I know that multchoice some design problems of the SQL database and the administration should use its questuions and answers.They also answers.They Especially in statememnts and procedures.


sweetegl... said...

The method of joining two tables in SQL is:
1) Join
2) Union
3) Add

By creating an SQL database, the database should be normalized
Form No. 1) First Normal Form
2) The fourth normal form
3) The fourth normal form, and then for optimized performance

How often should a backup of SQL databases?
1) hourly
2) Official
Food drops 3) cache with RDA

Why should these questions? How many questions do you want? How much do you want?
Need to know the right answers :-)

taketwo said...

SQL is the union of two table together

Demun said...

Question 1 What does SQL stand for?

Johnny P said...

akdjk Jakl, but not less SKDJF dkdjfj Ruei!. thekrhe with shoerje then sphetzer valve sslkdjf. Then adjust ekrehj with ejhr dskjfd and sheklr3e accordingly. Then, adjust the fine, for the manufacture of aasdkfj precise sakldjfkddsd. Close soeurnadsc the asaklsdjf and ready!

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