Monday, February 8, 2010

Cartier Love Charity 2010 Charity Jewelry? <3?

Charity Jewelry? <3? - cartier love charity 2010

I was wondering if you knew, supported by any type of jewelry, love? I thought the Cartier Love bracelet, but ... I did not spend much money. I ask you a link and is not available online.

Just a quick question, do you know a good deal, a bracelet with the inscription "Love sold" or "hope" or "Dream?" Or a necklace with a heart of glass? It is inexpensive and the price range of $ 10 - $ 100.

Thank you so much!


1 comment:

kissingb... said...

I have a few jewels, very cheap but very nice. I bought an e-bay, and support for breast cancer. They are very nice. There is also a form of support for African women, this place is ...
There is also a village shop as a charity. The Web site Charity Village. Com. Another site is, and you can also click on the website of the belief. I hope this at least helps a little. Thank you for supporting charitable organizations!

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