Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Where Do Lymph Nodes Swell In Hiv Am I A Hyphocondriac Or Should I Worry About HIV?

Am i a hyphocondriac or should i worry about HIV? - where do lymph nodes swell in hiv

Age: 16
Sexual activity: None whatsoever just masturbation.

Well, actually I'm really worrried to combat HIV / AIDS in the last few months, since I was a sex education class.

But heres why I had swollen lymph nodes, skin rash and a little white hairy tongue. I had a fever a few months ago and had diarhea but not chronic.

But recently I went to see a doctor and my lymph nodes as "diagnosed shotty lymph nodes" and said they were nothing. He said that had my skin rashes and eczema, I do worry nothign. Faith, my language is normal, because it seems that everyone has a little of the white coating on the tongue and cause bad breath permanently.

I was good for one days after going to the doctor, but now I'mextremely worried constantly check on the lookout in my mouth and my body to packages. He came to the moment of the night crying because I was so worried and I can not sleep.

I am very happy for my rash and white tongue fear. Although I believe my family and seemed to have white coating on your tongue and say it was a bacteria in my language, I had poor oral hygiene, brush your teeth only, but bad breath and a strange taste in mouth, he always comes back. Im not sure that the AIDS-causing dermatitis.

I had eczema as a child and even if he jusst left and after a few months.

Am IA Hyphondriac or should I worry?


astrobuf said...

You have nothing to fear. The short and long about the situation: AIDS is found only in a certain way, "invasive". Blood - blood contact is usually necessary activities such as sharing needles during drug use, unprotected sex, including anal sex, due to the increased risk of bleeding, bleeding gums fuck, etc.

You have nothing to fear. Go to a happy life and get over it.


dj : said...

You're good. They certainly care about HIV / AIDS, especially if they are sexually active. One can not live in constant fear. Just channel that fear to take additional precautions. For example, use protection when they become sexually active and should be avoided any physical contact of fluids of another person, such as blood. With a few precautions, you're absolutely right. No need to live in fear!

Bigdwarf said...

You should make about a hypochondriac worries. I'm addicted to placebos.

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