Monday, December 21, 2009

Build A Camp Kitchen What Would Be Fun To Have At A Vacation Cabin?

What would be fun to have at a vacation cabin? - build a camp kitchen

I am planning to build a house in about 5 acres. So far I have only one design of the cabin cool. There will be a key for the living room / kitchen / dining room with terrace at the front and rear axles. Is outside the Hof 3 suspension bridges go to sleep to 3 different "huts. This is very rustic and camp-like.

The exterior of the cottages is an orchard, a fire ring for campfires, and expected some of the trails around the property. I do not know what I like to add. What would you add? Only other ideas that I may be of horseshoes or something. I want it as fun for all ages.

Thank you to everyone

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