Saturday, December 26, 2009

College Football Bedding College Athlete PROTEIN, CREATINE, And BCAA Questions?

College athlete PROTEIN, CREATINE, and BCAA questions? - college football bedding

I am an athlete in college football, and we are in summer training. My day consists of a very intensive training, 1 hours 7-8 Clock in another session of intense preparation, followed by 8-9 hours. I take particular phosphagen creatine ed. I also take a protein, whey powder with 24 grams of protein per serving. I also BCAA and glutamine in the form of tablets. I wonder what would be the best time to get all benefits and how much for the greatest increase in force?

Today I woke up around 630 to take on part of the BCAA and glutamine. After my training, I'll take some creatine and glutamine, then lunch. Lunch and then a protein shake with 2 tablespoons of another part of the AACR. Then before bed I take another spoonful of creatine and protein.

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